Saturday, November 6, 2010

Surprise!- Class that I feel intellectually stimulated in.

In high school, as a student I believe that I did a well job overall with my academics. I got good grades, I studied, and I had well time management skills. In college, I have turned over a new leaf in my life. It seems that I am putting that “extra” effort into my studies more than I did in high school. I thought that was never going to happen or I thought that the social part of my college life was going to take over my studies. But, I was wrong. In college I feel that I have grown up in so many ways.  I really put my academics first before everything. Just like my high school, I am on the ball with a lot of my studies too. I think I was just really worried that I wasn’t going to bring my study habits to college and be prepared like I was in high school. However, the outcome of college so far has been very well. I am trying my hardest in all my classes.

    Furthermore, the class that I feel very well about is Western Civ. It is in a huge lecture hall with around 230 students in the class. I thought that this class was going to go down the drain for two major reasons. One: I hate history. I have been one of those students that always have said, “why do I need to know these events now?” Second: The class has 230 students or even more students in the class! To the professor, I am a clicker number not Madison.  However, just like all my other classes I really try hard in studying for his tests and his exams. The outcome has been surprising better than I expected to get in Western Civ! I have a solid B and that stimulates me to try very hard and to get that grade even higher than it is now! I have learned tricks to study history that has helped my grade enormously. 

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