Friday, December 10, 2010

Strengths and Weakness of this semester!

This semester I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster! For myself, the big transitioning process was really hard for me. I’m not sure why, but it really was.  However, along the bumpy road I had some strengths and weakness that have taught myself personal lessons.

One weakness that I have experienced in my first semester of Southern really taught me sleep is very important. The first week of school I really worried about my social aspect of life instead of putting my school ahead. I always did that in high school most of the time and I still got good grades. Well, that didn’t really work out for me this time.

For some reason, I felt this pressure that I had to make a lot of friends so I will have people to hangout with that like the same things I do. I really was trying to go out of my way and talk to people and go out with different groups to spread my wings. That was good and all but I really stayed out way too late when I had and eight o’clock class with three of them back to back. Well, that didn’t stop me at all. I went out with a big huge group of girls and we all went downtown and didn’t get back to one am.
That morning I had my first math quiz and I totally blanked on all the questions because I was so tired and out of it. The result of this quiz was very poor. On the bright side, my whole class did very poorly also so we had a retake thank god. I really learned from that mistake to take school more seriously.

However, a strength that I have learned to take upon this semester is time management skills.  As you can see from my past experiences, time management skills was very important for myself to be a successful student. I have become more of a responsible student and put my work in front of my social life. I made a calendar to make myself balance my time so I am not overwhelmed down the road with my work.

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