Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Where is temporary buliding #8?!?"

Coming to Southern for the first time was a very nerve racking experience for myself.  I came of a town where everyone knew everyone and now I had a huge transition to adjust to in my life. I was dreading to go to classes where I don’t know anyone but I knew I had to grow up and try to make new friends.

The first day of my Tuesday and Thursday classes, I was  “the student” who couldn’t find temporary building number eight for my English class and was the last student to arrive to my English class. I was so upset and nervous because I was late and still didn’t’ know what room it was in the temporary building. I was asking all these different classes that were going in their classrooms but no one wanted to help me.  I found this nice teacher who came around with me to knock on the classroom doors to help me find the English class! Finally, I found the right classroom. I introduced myself and was so embarrassed. The positive outlook on that experience everyone knew my name when we came to INQ and played the name game!

When I realized that my next class was with the whole class, I was very happy because now I had people to walk with! I made a lot of connections with a lot of people in English/INQ. I really liked how they had the same students in both classes because it made me have friendships with students who are in the same boat as me.  Even though I am sad that English/INQ is over, we are all basically in the same English class next semester, so I will be seeing many friends next semester too!  


  1. HAHA I remember you coming to class lost it was so funny! And I agree i'm glad we have some of the same people in english i'm going to miss everyone!

  2. I wondered the same exact thing when i saw TE8 on my schedule. i was so confused until i asked an RA and got all frustrated lol

  3. Madison that was so funny! He never forgot your name after that day lol
