Saturday, September 25, 2010

Music is passion in my life

    When I was investigating many different blog posts, I came across a music and t.v blog. This blog interested me because I am very interested in music. I like a wide variety and I like different genres. This blog also had different clips from various television shows. There are many different clips that also caught my attention. Especially, the clip from the last weeks Glee episode. I really like how the author of this blog used a different way to intrigue readers to look at his blog. Instead of having lots of writing on the page, there are many different music/t.v clips from popular artists and shows. Another blog that I came upon on was . It is a short blog post about passion. I got a lot from this little blog. It inspired me that everything in my life has a meaning and have passion in some way shape or form. It was interesting to read. It was a little reassurance booster. What I got from reading this was that everything in my life happened for a reason, so I should have passion and love where my life is going.
     I know both are these post are both very different because one is into music/t.v and had many videos to watch to draw the reader in and in the second post, it was just short and sweet. How do both of these different blogs on music and passion connect to me in my life? Well without music in my life, there would be no passion. I love music. I think music tells a story and has passion in every lyric. Every word has a meaning to me that connects to my life in a certain way. Without music there would be no passion in my life.

Decision Maker

What is time management? "The analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace".( The main idea of time management is how you schedule your time. The qualities that you need to succeed in having time management skills is organizing and prioritizing your time. How do you spend your time each day? Is it always effective? These are some important questions that you should ask your self. 

     When you’re in college, it is a huge transition in your life. It is the first time for many students, to be on your own in life completely. With no parent in your ear telling what you can and can't do, and how to manage your time, it is a very scary thought to have to be the decision maker in college in order to survive.  The first step that you should take is defiantly making sure a huge chunk of your time revolving around school. There is no one holding your hand and telling you when certain things are due or when to do your homework. It is your choice. In order to make your time doing your schoolwork more effective, dedicate a study area that is your “quiet place”. No cell phones or a computer or something that always takes your concentration away with you. That is a good time management skill to have.
       Should I go to the party or do my homework? In college there is so much freedom. You have so much free time on your hands and you are the one to decide how you handle that time. There is going to be some many fun things that you will encounter, but you have to make sure you prioritize and organize your time to have a successful year at school.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Puzzle Piece

   This week I attended the club fair with some of my other classmates to try to find a fit to my puzzle of my life. My goal was to find something to get me in with the Southern community. Since college is such a big stepping stone of my life, I really want to put myself out there and become part of something new in my life. I just really want to find the perfect piece to fit my puzzle.
   When I went to the club fair I was trying to keep a very open mind to all the different possibilities that could work for me. I was very interested in all the intramural sports where I could play basketball and stay active and be on the healthier side. However, I really thought about it and realized that my whole life in high school revolved around basketball. Don't get me wrong, I love basketball but since I am starting a new chapter of my life, I think I should try something different that I have never experienced before. Then it hit me, I should join a sorority. When I came to Southern to tour the campus, I already had my mind on joining one of the sororities but I just didn't understand how it quite worked. It was very helpful to walk around and ask questions about all the sororities and to see what they represented and see which one that I could best represent. The sorority that I personality think that fits me was Omega Zeta Pi.
    Why should I join a sorority? I think that joining a sorority will let me have an opportunity to get to meet so many different people from all over and become very close. I will admit that I am really having trouble putting myself out there and meeting new people. I have tried several times and I met a couple girls but, I want a sisterhood. I really want to have a family home away from home and I think this would be a great opportunity to help me grow as a person in many ways too. When I read the brochure about Omega Zeta Pi and talked to a lot of the sorority sisters, they said that you become very close with your sisters and do many things with the girls. An example is they are big volunteers with Make a Wish Foundation. I also am a big supporter of this foundation because my mom had breast cancer. It is very touching how they get involve with all different foundations. I am a very loyal, trustworthy person and I really like to help people in any way I can, so I think this sorority will be a perfect piece to my puzzle.

We all have our own comfy couch.

   On September 15 the author of Outcasts United came to speak to the freshmen class of Southern Connecticut State University. I thought Warren St. John was very inspiring on what he had to say about his book and how it connected to him as well as me. How does Outcast United connect to my life?
   Warren St. John flew out to Clarkson, Georgia a typical southern town with little diversity. He went to go watch the Fugees play soccer to see if he had a story to write. Well he realized he did, when he saw the home team with all the typical soccer gear and so many fans on their side. However for the Fugees side, they had no one. Warren St.John realized how lucky he was to grow up with so much support from his friends and family and I was too. I am so lucky that when I played basketball we had so much support from our classmates and our families. Our stands would be filled and it would be such a good feeling when you know the ones who care are there for you cheering you on in the stands. Warren also wanted to know, how kids from rival ethnics groups connect together and play soccer. As I was reading this part, I was very eager to read further and see how kids from all over the world that might even be in countries that are rival enemies, come together for the love of soccer. It was just like college. People with different ethnicity backgrounds are all together in one university and they usually go to the people that they are most comfortable with, their "comfy couch". Jocks sit with all the jocks at one table. Then you see all the girls that cheerlead at another and then you see all the Indians together at another table. There was not a Luma here to divide people into different groups to force everyone to be one no matter what the color skin or the language. That is how she changed the Fugees's life.    
     I could really connect to Luma while I was reading about her background of coming to the Americas with nothing. I could connect how she felt out of place not knowing a single person and having so much responsibility. She had to get a job and supply herself food, a home, and clothing. The connection I made was the security of being at home "your comfy couch", having your friends, a job, and your family and having not much of  responsibility, and now making a huge step and coming into college. You left your "comfy couch" and moved on to something you were unsure of. Well Luma left her "comfy couch"(comfort zone), just like I did and she had to be on her own by herself with no support of her family. Including Luma and myself, there are two other connections that also connect to us. For myself, I am transitioning to college, Clarkson transitioning to becoming more diverse, the Refugees transition to a life in a strange town with not the same culture as they were use to, and coach Luma who had to transition to make a new life for herself. We all have the same thing in common, undergoing transition in our lives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It is Your Choice :Response to the Readings

   The readings for this week were very interesting. All of the articles main focus was technology. Technology is a word with Greek origin, defined as "the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area". Merriam-Webster's Dictionary. Technology is the new generation. Where ever you are, you can always use some sort of technology to computers to your iphone or listening to your ipod touch in your car. Technology is everywhere!
   Is technology interfering with people of this generation's life's? By reading eight articles on how technology is used as a necessity for most on a regular basis, I believe that technology is the way we use it, in moderation. Moderation is a key component. Many, use technology very excessively. An example is in the article, "The Risks of Parenting while Plugged In". In this article, it stated that while parents are who are on the computer or on their phone all the time, they are effecting their children. There are studies where most if all of the children feel hurt and neglected by their parent. You know when technology is excessive when you need to have it twenty-four-seven. There are times were you really should take a brake like during meals, sporting events, or in the car. Yes technology is the main source of our life today, but it doesn't have to take over your life or your loved one's life. There is nothing wrong being up to date with the generation, just find balance. Do you want your kids to be obsessed with television, facebook, or their cell phone? Children follow in what their role model is doing. It is your choice.

Obstacles:“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." -Frank A. Clark

"In fact, I had to make an enormous adjustment to this, not only in listening to it but in playing with it. It's a full sound. In some instances, you must have the volume to get the effect. "
-Chico Hamilton
Since the two weeks staying at Southern, the biggest obstacle that I have come across is adjusting. What is adjustment? Adjustment is the act to adapt to a new environment or surrounding that you are not use to or comfortable with. When you hit college, adjustment goes along in the package. I really do not like change. I liked how the flow of my life was in my small town of Portland. Portland was my comfort zone. Now that I am out of it, it has been a real struggle with me. I was use to seeing so many familiar faces that I knew for 18 years of my life. Going from a class of 87 kids now to over thousands of people, really doesn't sit all too well with me.
What can I learn from this experience?
From my freshmen college experience I can learn a lot on what kind of person I really am. For me, this experience has changed me as a person in so many ways. I noticed how I grew up pretty fast. I have been making smart decisions and managing my time well. Another way is I never liked to leave my house for weeks on end and now that I am in college, I am gone for months on end. It is so much different than living home.I am an adult now with so much responsibly. I don't have my parents in my hear telling me how to manage my time. I am very thankful that so far I have self control over my free time. Even with the basics of eating right and exercising, it very important that the right decisions are made. College is a big growing period going to a teen living home to now an adult with many responsibilities.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Setting the Tone

   What is college? "College is an institution of higher learning, esp. one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.(noun)." {} As a freshmen at Southern Connecticut State University, it is a huge step for me to go from knowing every single person in my high school to now just being an ID number. I was in a small bubble of a town in Portland. Every family knew every family and every child knew every child. It was nice for the most part but, I knew i needed to step out of the bubble and become more independent. " In a way, I need a Change from this burnout scene, Another time, Another town, Another everything." OAR
Southern University will be a good change for me to get out of my burn out scene.  I know that college is a big adjustment than what I am use to, however it will give me a chance to become to grow into my own person and become independent. Socially at Southern, there are many opportunities for me to meet many different kinds of people. With all the clubs and organizations that I can join. Southern could get me interested in many different opportunities that could change my future forever. In many of these clubs and organizations I can meet so many new friends that have the same interests as I do.
Southern Connecticut State University has many opportunities for me academically too. I am taking different classes than I took in high school to expand my knowledge. My goals for my grades as a freshmen is to be on the Deans list. I know that is raising the bar, but I know if I try my best I can do it. My high school grades were very well so i know that I could do just as well or even better.


The Next Step

I grew up in a small town in Connecticut where everyone new everyone in my whole high school. My graduating class consisted of 87 kids. Now as a college student at Southern, I cannot wait to begin my journey in this new environment. Although the next step of my life is a very big adjustment, I am very excited to take it!
As a person of this new exciting chapter of my life, I would like to share with you some qualities that describe me as a person. One of my qualities is that I am very protective, especially when it comes to my family. My family has played a big role of who I am today and I am very thankful for that. I love them more than anything and would do anything for them. One incident that occurred when I was over protective happened with my brother. He had a tough time when he went to the middle school with kids making fun of him and I was there to stick up for him.
Ever since I was little, people would always say I was mature for my age. That is another quality I am as a person. In middle school a lot of kids that age are really immature by making fun of people, to acting real childish. There was always so much drama in my school and I always  was above that. I never talked about other kids and I was always honest.
Another quality that best describes me as a person is I am a outgoing person. I love to meet new people from all different places. That is why I came to Southern because this school is so diverse and has so many new faces for me to get to know.
One important quality that I also have as a person is I am a very caring. My friends mean so much to me and they have helped me grow as a person in many ways that I am so lucky to have them. I always am there for them whenever they need me and I always will be. I listen to what they have to say and I give them my advice. I could not get through many things that have unfortunately come up in my life without them and I know they would say the same about me.

The last word that describes me as a person is I am very skillful when it comes to basketball. I have been playing since I was in third grade and have developed many skills to help me play the game to my best. I made the varsity team when I was a freshmen and I started my junior and senior year. When it came to senior year, I was captain of the Class S team. We made history that year. The Portland High School girl’s basketball team made it to the finals of the shoreline tournament and lost only by six to our rivals. Later in the season, we also made it to the finals of the Class S championship held at Mohegan Sun Arena! It was tied throughout the whole game except when they scored with 30 seconds left of the game to win it. Everyone on the team benefited their skills that  helped our team make history.

Here is a video when we made it to the quarter finals against the number one team of the shoreline conference Thompson.