Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Next Step

I grew up in a small town in Connecticut where everyone new everyone in my whole high school. My graduating class consisted of 87 kids. Now as a college student at Southern, I cannot wait to begin my journey in this new environment. Although the next step of my life is a very big adjustment, I am very excited to take it!
As a person of this new exciting chapter of my life, I would like to share with you some qualities that describe me as a person. One of my qualities is that I am very protective, especially when it comes to my family. My family has played a big role of who I am today and I am very thankful for that. I love them more than anything and would do anything for them. One incident that occurred when I was over protective happened with my brother. He had a tough time when he went to the middle school with kids making fun of him and I was there to stick up for him.
Ever since I was little, people would always say I was mature for my age. That is another quality I am as a person. In middle school a lot of kids that age are really immature by making fun of people, to acting real childish. There was always so much drama in my school and I always  was above that. I never talked about other kids and I was always honest.
Another quality that best describes me as a person is I am a outgoing person. I love to meet new people from all different places. That is why I came to Southern because this school is so diverse and has so many new faces for me to get to know.
One important quality that I also have as a person is I am a very caring. My friends mean so much to me and they have helped me grow as a person in many ways that I am so lucky to have them. I always am there for them whenever they need me and I always will be. I listen to what they have to say and I give them my advice. I could not get through many things that have unfortunately come up in my life without them and I know they would say the same about me.

The last word that describes me as a person is I am very skillful when it comes to basketball. I have been playing since I was in third grade and have developed many skills to help me play the game to my best. I made the varsity team when I was a freshmen and I started my junior and senior year. When it came to senior year, I was captain of the Class S team. We made history that year. The Portland High School girl’s basketball team made it to the finals of the shoreline tournament and lost only by six to our rivals. Later in the season, we also made it to the finals of the Class S championship held at Mohegan Sun Arena! It was tied throughout the whole game except when they scored with 30 seconds left of the game to win it. Everyone on the team benefited their skills that  helped our team make history.

Here is a video when we made it to the quarter finals against the number one team of the shoreline conference Thompson.

1 comment:

  1. I love the link you posted Madison! It was cool seeing your winning basketball clip.
