Thursday, September 9, 2010

It is Your Choice :Response to the Readings

   The readings for this week were very interesting. All of the articles main focus was technology. Technology is a word with Greek origin, defined as "the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area". Merriam-Webster's Dictionary. Technology is the new generation. Where ever you are, you can always use some sort of technology to computers to your iphone or listening to your ipod touch in your car. Technology is everywhere!
   Is technology interfering with people of this generation's life's? By reading eight articles on how technology is used as a necessity for most on a regular basis, I believe that technology is the way we use it, in moderation. Moderation is a key component. Many, use technology very excessively. An example is in the article, "The Risks of Parenting while Plugged In". In this article, it stated that while parents are who are on the computer or on their phone all the time, they are effecting their children. There are studies where most if all of the children feel hurt and neglected by their parent. You know when technology is excessive when you need to have it twenty-four-seven. There are times were you really should take a brake like during meals, sporting events, or in the car. Yes technology is the main source of our life today, but it doesn't have to take over your life or your loved one's life. There is nothing wrong being up to date with the generation, just find balance. Do you want your kids to be obsessed with television, facebook, or their cell phone? Children follow in what their role model is doing. It is your choice.

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