Saturday, September 25, 2010

Decision Maker

What is time management? "The analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace".( The main idea of time management is how you schedule your time. The qualities that you need to succeed in having time management skills is organizing and prioritizing your time. How do you spend your time each day? Is it always effective? These are some important questions that you should ask your self. 

     When you’re in college, it is a huge transition in your life. It is the first time for many students, to be on your own in life completely. With no parent in your ear telling what you can and can't do, and how to manage your time, it is a very scary thought to have to be the decision maker in college in order to survive.  The first step that you should take is defiantly making sure a huge chunk of your time revolving around school. There is no one holding your hand and telling you when certain things are due or when to do your homework. It is your choice. In order to make your time doing your schoolwork more effective, dedicate a study area that is your “quiet place”. No cell phones or a computer or something that always takes your concentration away with you. That is a good time management skill to have.
       Should I go to the party or do my homework? In college there is so much freedom. You have so much free time on your hands and you are the one to decide how you handle that time. There is going to be some many fun things that you will encounter, but you have to make sure you prioritize and organize your time to have a successful year at school.  

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