Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last goodbye

We all have our comfort zones as a person and they are all very unique in many ways. This week I have stepped out of my comfort zone and did something that I was all not too comfortable with.

This week I had to come home one of the days and work at my job for the closing ceremony! I work at Portland West Golf Corse as a waitress in the restaurant. During the winter at Portland West, we close because of the snow and the cold weather. SO before we close, we have a big ceremony for the golfers and the employees. During the ceremony I wanted to thank my boss and all my other fellow workers thank you and it had been a pleasure working with them. I was very nervous but I knew I had to say a small speech because I the boss’s daughter. That was a huge step for me because I am not a fan of public speaking and it was out of my comfort zone. Everyone loved my speech and they all knew how nervous I was. I was very proud of how I did.

It was very exciting to over come one of my fears. I knew I could do it because so far I have come upon things in my life that are out of my comfort zone. The main one is the transition with college. The experience of being on my own and developing me as a person, I knew I could say the last goodbye speech at my job. I also said a good bye to my fear of public speaking! 

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